Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stir your Own Kool Aid

I'm always amazed at how critical we are of other people, specially when it come to clothing and what someone should or should not be wearing. I have one thing to say to everybody - Stir your Own Kool Aid!

As a stylist people often ask me what I think about what someone else is wearing, usually some innocent person who is minding their own business. I typically try not to reply, simply because I don't walk around mentally redressing strangers. And when I don't reply, usually the other person weighs in with their opinion and its harsh.

Folks, here's a bit of advice - when you point one finger at someone three are pointed back at you. Before you crack the whip on strangers, coworkers or friends, ask yourself if your time would be better spent Stirring your Own Kool Aid?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pull it . . . and it will Grow

Not that! I'm talking about clothing care and sweater snags.

As winter wraps up, things start to happen to our clothes, things like sweaters snags. Don't get unraveled about it, just resist the temptation to pull it because if you pull it . . . it will grow.

Here’s what you should do.

1) Take the sweater off and turn it inside out.

2) Use a safety pin to push the yarn back into the fabric.

3) Gently stretch the area around the snag to tighten the other yarns surrounding it. This will help hold it in place.

If you can still see the sweater snag, it’s time to take it to your tailor. If you're one of the few people who actually saved the additional yarn that came with your sweater, take that too. Now, you know what it’s for!