Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Women: Wear some makeup, Please!

I don't get it. Make up is a necessity, I just don't understand why some people (women) refuse to put it on. Make up isn't just for the wearer, its for everybody looking at you.

Make US happy and put on a little Happy! Rather than bitch and moan, here are the facts.

1) People think more highly of you if you appear that you take care of yourself.

2) Women who wear make up are treated better than those who don't.

3) No one is really a "natural" beauty, most women look better with a little happy on their face.

Plus and this is strictly my opinion, it makes me wonder if you are so "natural" that you don't take care of other things and you know what I mean.

Am I the only one who wants to around slapping people with make up?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Trip Tips: Packing, What to Wear, Bring and Pack

I must admit that sometimes I go a little travel heavy but the new policy of $15 a checked bag thing put an end to that! Not to mention, my husband started making me carry my own luggage after I started packing books!

Of course, I want you to listen to Tailored Edges but here's the skinny - don't bring a lot of shit. Here are my top travel tips.

1) Think about where you're traveling and what the "colors" are for that climate because walking around in all black when everyone else is brightly lit, is depressing.

2) Make sure you pack a couple pairs of shoes and a pair of bathroom/pool flip flops. If you saw the show I saw on 60 minutes you'd never walk barefoot in a hotel.

3) You need more tops than bottoms. Pack a couple of tops (shirts, polos etc) for two changes a day. You can cut back on the bottoms, because just like real life you can wear bottoms a few times before they start to walk on their own.

4) Have a color plan. Ideally all tops you pack should work well with all bottoms so you don't need to bring as much.

5) Please take you good stuff. Don't schlep your crappy clothes. You're on vacation take a few thrill pieces and whoop it up.

6) This has little to do with packing BUT you should dress the way you want to arrive. In other words, don't go the airport all jacked up. You never know who you will meet and you'll get better service!

Want the rest of my tips? Listen to my broadcast on Tailored Edges with Robin Walker http://blogtalkradio.com/tailorededges and Get an Edge on Packing for your Trip.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Unpleasant Tweets and Twitter Twats

Kool Aid, Twitter Twats - where o where is this blog going! I'll deal with that later, meanwhile, here's what's on my mind. Tonight I met a Twitter Twat.

I made up the phrase, but basically a twitter twat is a female who criticizes other peoples tweet and broadcasts her opinion as fact. Nothing wrong with that but it is a minor annoyance. Here's why.

Twitter is free speech. To criticize others for their tweets is contrary to whole ideal of twitter, even @ev, the founder said "tweet whatever you like."

Twitter is a diverse. The entire concept is to connect, hear and share just about anything you can imagine including diversity in thought.

Twitter is by choice. The follow button and remove are available to everyone. You can even block.

I could go on but there's no point because most of us get it. Just be warned, much like real life there will always be at least "one" twat in the room.

If the Twitter Twat is spraying at you, be strong but not foolish. It never hurts to double check yourself because most feedback is good. But not all feedback is worthy of change. In my case, I write to hundreds of thousands of readers every month in national publications and a handful of cherished people on twitter. I am not you, your will need to make own decision. Decide what's important to you, know that yo can't please everyone, and do what you need to do. Just beware that every action has a consequence.

In this case, my consequence was a minor distraction with a Twitter Twat, that made my decision easily. I thought to myself "fuck it" and I tweeted back and thought I'd post my twitter experience on my blog - tadah!

After you've made your decision, handle it gently, swiftly and move and try to be brief but it may take a couple of tweets for YOU to get your full message across.

Unpleasant Tweets? Remember, its hard to communicate in person and even harder to do it in 140 characters or less.